Please note, when you click "søk stilling", you have to scroll to the bottom of the DNV page to find all summer job and summer project positions :)
Summer project and jobs
At DNV, we’re excited to offer students some fantastic opportunities to gain hands-on experience through our summer jobs and projects. Each programme is optimally designed to give you practical skills, industry insights, and professional growth, all while having fun and making new friends.
Our summer jobs are open to all students and provide a great chance to work on real-world projects, as well as see what life at DNV is all about.
If you’re in your fourth year of study, you can take on our summer projects, which are designed to dive deeper into specific challenges and tasks.
Fields of study
We have opportunities across a wide range of business areas, so whatever your passion, you’ll find something that suits you. Our programs cover areas such as engineering, finance, and IT/software. Here are some of our key disciplines in more detail:
Marine Technology, Aquaculture, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Science, Cybernetics, Robotics, Electrical Power Engineering, and more.
Computer Science, Cyber Security, Data Science, UX/UI, Software Development, and more.
Business Administration, Finance/Accounting, Industrial Economy.
Interview tips
Getting ready for an interview? Here are three quick tips to help you shine:
Learn about DNV
Get to know DNV’s mission, values and what we do.
Prepare Questions
Show your interest in the role and our company.
Be Yourself
Authenticity is key! Show your personality and enthusiasm.
Vi er et globalt selskap innen kvalitetssikring og risikohåndtering med tilstedeværelse i over 100 land. Vårt formål er å sikre liv, verdier og miljøet. Med vår unike tekniske ekspertise og uavhengighet bistår vi våre kunder med å forbedre sikkerhet, effektivitet og bærekraft.
Enten vi godkjenner et nytt skipsdesign, optimerer energiproduksjonen fra en vindmøllepark, analyserer sensordata fra en gassrørledning eller sertifiserer verdikjeden til en matprodusent, hjelper vi våre kunder med å ta gode og riktige beslutninger og øke tilliten til virksomheten, produktene og tjenestene deres. Verden er i endring. Vi kan påvirke utviklingen. Sammen skal vi takle de globale utfordringene og omstillingene vi vil møte.

Bedrift: DNV
Stilling: Sommerjobb
Lokasjon: Ålesund Oslo,
Søknadsfrist: 13. oktober 2024