
Velkommen til bedriftspresentasjon med Yinson, onsdag 16. februar!

Yinson inviterer studenter fra 2.-5. klasse, der påmelding for 3.-5. starter 9.feb kl. 13:00.

Påmelding for 2.kl åpner søndag 13.feb. 

Presentasjonen starter 18:00 i T2, etterfulgt av pizza- og tacobuffet i kantina.


Yinson utlyser nå summer internship, og vil fortelle mer under presentasjonen. Se link under:

"If you are looking for an international, cross-cultural work experience where you will be able to challenge yourself and grow your skills in an open and supportive work environment, then now is the time to apply for the Yinson Internship Programme 2022, in Oslo."






Møt opp 17.45 for registrering. NB: Oppmøte etter klokken 18.00 eller å ikke møte opp medfører prikk. Man må melde seg av minst 24 timer før arrangementet starter for å unngå prikk. 

Om Yinson

Yinson is shaping the world’s energy landscape through the provision of modern, purpose-built assets for the energy industry.

We are one of the largest independent FPSO leasing companies in the world, with over 25 years of experience delivering offshore oil & gas production assets. Our reliable project delivery is strengthened by industry-leading safety and uptime performance.

Together with our Offshore Marine, Renewables and Green Technologies divisions, Yinson’s vision is to positively impact the world’s energy landscape towards a shared sustainable future which is in alignment with Yinson’s Climate Goals.

Yinson is determined to do our part in the global movement towards a low-carbon, climate resilient environment - In March 2021, we established our Climate Goals to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050.

Yinson logo
Starter: 16. februar 2022 18:00
Slutter: 16. februar 2022 21:00
Sted: Tyholt
Arrangør: BK Marin

Stenger: 16. februar 2022 18:05
Antall påmeldte/antall plasser: 60/80
Dette arrangmentet er åpent for:
2 3 4 5 6