Strandryddedagen- i partnerskap med Flex LNG

I god tradisjon blir det rydding av strandlinjen på Korsvika. Etter ryddingen blir det god stemning med masse pizza, brus og øl sponset av Flex LNG. 

Håper vi ser så mange som mulig. 






Om Flex LNG

Flex LNG Ltd. was initially incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands in September 2006. In 2009, we completed our initial public offering of our ordinary shares on the Oslo Axess under the symbol “FLNG.” In June 2017, we re-domiciled the company to Bermuda and in July 2017 we transferred the listing of our ordinary shares from Oslo Axess to the Oslo Stock Exchange in order to increase our visibility to investors and to facilitate trading liquidity. In June 2019 Flex LNG was listed at New York Stock Exchange, also under the symbol “FLNG”.

Flex LNG Ltd. is a LNG shipping company with a fleet of thirteen fuel efficient, fifth generation LNG carriers. Our fleet consists of nine M-type, Electronically Controlled, Gas Injection (“MEGI”) LNG carriers and four Generation X Dual Fuel (“X-DF”) LNG carriers built between 2018 and 2021.

Flex LNG logo
Starter: 28. september 2022 16:30
Slutter: 28. september 2022 21:00
Sted: Korsvika
Arrangør: Flex LNG

Stenger: 29. september 2022 12:00
Antall påmeldte/antall plasser: 47/200
Dette arrangmentet er åpent for:
1 2 3 4 5 6