BOA Group

BOA Group har gleden av å invitere til bedriftspresentasjon mandag 24.02.2025. 

Bedriftspresentasjonen vil bli holdt på ØX Tap Room i Midtbyen etterfulgt av bespisning på samme sted!

Studenter som går konstruksjonsteknikk og hydrodynamikk er spesielt velkomne!

OPPMØTE: 17.45

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Om BOA: 

BOA is a worldwide-operating and Trondheim-based company, providing services to the marine, offshore oil and gas, and wind industry. The company owns and operates a fleet of around 40 barges, tugs, and offshore vessels. 

With soon 50 years of industry know-how, BOA is continuously expanding the scope of its services to meet market demands worldwide and strives to use its expertise to support the sustainable solutions for the future.

Projects are performed worldwide and typically include launching, transportation and installation of modules, vessels, foundation structures and caissons, as well as drydocking, towing or salvage operations. 

These projects, often complex and technically challenging are all planned, managed, and followed up by the skilled team based in the headquarters here in Trondheim and its subsidiaries abroad. The technical basis for the projects is prepared by the engineering department, which plans the operations and performs technical analyses within the domains of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, marine operations, and structures.

Join the company presentation to learn more about BOA, prospects, and opportunities.

Om BOA Group

BOA owns and operates Offshore Vessels, Tugs and Barges worldwide providing project and engineering services to a range of marine industries. Join our team of competent employees and be part of an exciting future!


BOA Group logo
Starter: 24. februar 2025 18:00
Slutter: 24. februar 2025 18:00
Sted: ØX Tap Room
Arrangør: BK

Stenger: 20. februar 2025 18:00
Antall påmeldte/antall plasser: 8/25
Dette arrangmentet er åpent for:
3 4