Bedriftspresentasjon med Equinor, KUN 5. KLASSE MARIN KYBERNETIKK


5.klasse marin-studenter er invitert til bedriftspresentasjon med Equinor fredag 27. august klokken 14.15. Det vil være mest fokus på graduate stillinger, link nedenfor;


Tentativ agenda:

14:15: Oppstart – film og presentasjoner fra Marte og Simen

14:45: Q&A

15:15: Ferdig


Mer informasjon:

Could an industry defining challenge be your career defining opportunity?

By 2050, we aim to become a net-zero company and deliver the energy the world needs without contributing to global warming. It’s an ambitious goal and attracting and developing the brightest minds will be essential to our success. As a graduate at Equinor, you’ll be joining 20,000 colleagues in over 30 countries who are using their passion and creativity to help us meet this goal.

This presentation focuses on the 2022 Equinor graduate application process for automation, cybernetics, robotics, telecommunication and cyber security within project development in Equinor:


• Presentations from both graduates and hiring managers

- What is Equinor’s revised strategy?

- What it is like being a graduate?

- What opportunities could I get? o How do I apply?

• Q&A



Om Equinor

Our purpose is to turn natural resources into energy for people, and progress for society.

We’re Equinor, a broad energy company with more than 21,000 colleagues committed to providing affordable energy for societies worldwide and taking a leading role in the energy transition. We’re on a journey to net zero emissions through optimising our oil and gas portfolio, accelerating growth in renewables and pioneering developments in carbon capture and hydrogen. 

Equinor logo
Starter: 27. august 2021 14:15
Slutter: 27. august 2021 15:00
Sted: Digital
Arrangør: Bedriftskontakt Marin

Stenger: 22. august 2021 12:00
Antall påmeldte/antall plasser: 3/50
Dette arrangmentet er åpent for: